4 ChatGPT Prompts To Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Genius

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You are probably a genius. But you probably don’t act like a genius most of the time. Every day, ordinary people and ordinary activities will try to knock your genius level down a few pegs, and you’ll follow along without questioning their intention. With a few simple ChatGPT prompts, you can regain your entrepreneurial genius and make it work for you. You can think differently about the business you run and your role within it. You can solve problems in a better way and get more clarity in your methods.

Here’s how you prompt ChatGPT to show you what might have otherwise passed you by.

Unleash your entrepreneurial genius with ChatGPT

Think in first principles

A favourite problem-solving framework of Elon Musk, first principles thinking is where you remove subjective assumptions, bias and conjecture from problems and focus on only what is true. Your business likely solves a big challenge for a specific group of people, but your proposed solution might be all wrong. Using first principles, you go back to basics on a quest to seek out what is unequivocally true, and you base your operations on that.

“My business is [describe what your business does and how it serves its audience]. Can you describe my business using the first principles method (the practice of questioning every assumption you think you know about a given problem, then creating new solutions from scratch), and outline new ways I can think about how it operates.”

Resonate deeper with customers

Customers mark the difference between self-employed and unemployed. If you don’t have any customers, you don’t have a business. Make sure you’re in no danger of losing yours by understanding their needs and making sure you’re fulfilling them. Dig deeper into their hopes, dreams and biggest fears. Understand what makes them think, laugh, or cry. Use ChatGPT to tell you things about them you might not have thought of, and see if that sparks new ideas for conversations, products, or even slogans.

“I want my business to be integral to the lives of its customers. Given that my business is [describe your business] whose ideal customer is [describe your ideal customer], what can you tell me about their biggest challenges and deepest desires, and how can I make sure my business speaks to their needs?”

Find the platonic ideal

Entrepreneurs start businesses for all sorts of reasons, including coincidence, inheritance, or because they had a fleeting interest at a certain time. At its core, your business has a mission, but the way you approach the mission is likely not perfect. The platonic ideal is the solution in its most perfect form, bound only by the laws of physics. In this platonic ideal, the focus is on the perfect product rather than the perfect application of what happens to be your existing skills. Here, your existing janky methods don’t exist, only those that hold no friction or preconceived ideas of what’s acceptable. Copy and paste the prompt and personalize as needed.

“My business is [describe what your business does and how it serves its audience]. I want to think about my business in terms of the platonic ideal. Imagining the platonic ideal means visualizing your solution in its most perfect form before attempting to create it in reality. This means the focus is on the perfect product rather than the perfect application of what happens to be my existing skillset. Describe my business in terms of this platonic ideal.”

Know who to ask for help

“A camel is a horse designed by a committee,” said Sir Alec Issigonis, designer of the original Mini in 1959. If you ask enough people for help, you’ll receive so much conflicting advice that you won’t know where to turn, and implementing it all would spell disaster. Avoid this by honing in on your perfect mentor. Find people with relevant experience, up-to-date frameworks and a helpful dose of empathy to get the guidance that will make a difference to your world. If no one springs to mind, ask ChatGPT to describe them and put the feelers out to your network.

“At the moment my biggest challenge is [explain your biggest challenge] and I want to find a solution that [describe your ideal outcome]. Can you suggest the type of person I should ask for help with this challenge, as well as how I could reach out to them and what specific questions I should ask? Name some specific people who have experience in solving this type of problem.”

Become an entrepreneurial genius with ChatGPT

Most people get the same results because they carry out the same, ineffective actions on repeat. That’s not you. Tap into your genius by asking the questions no one else is asking, to get the results that they can’t. Use these four simple prompts in ChatGPT to apply first principles thinking, resonate deeper with customers, find the platonic ideal and get your perfect sounding board. Lift the limits of what’s possible and let your true genius emerge.

Read the full article here

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