A partner at Goldman Sachs shares what it was like to rise the ranks of Wall Street as an openly gay man

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  • Michael Broadbery, a compliance exec at Goldman, described coming out in a conservative industry.
  • Early on, the intimidation of “loud, masculine” trading floors made it difficult to be himself.
  • His message to the LGBTQ+ people in finance: Don’t change yourself to fit in — “you belong.”

Michael Broadbery received a phone call in November that most Wall Street financiers can only dream of: the Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon, personally telling him that he had been promoted to partner. That same day, Broadbery achieved a different, but equally momentous, milestone in his Wall Street career.

As he raised a glass of Champagne with his colleagues at the firm’s New York headquarters, he was overwhelmed with emotion to see who had arrived to witness the occasion. Broadbery’s boss, the global chief compliance officer at Goldman, had quietly invited the spouses of the newly promoted partners to the toast — that included his husband.

To become one of the most senior-ranking employees at arguably the most prestigious bank in the world, and to do so openly as his true self, were dreams Broadbery never dared to imagine for himself years earlier.

“That moment was one of the most special moments in my career, and my husband was standing beside me in my office to celebrate that with me,” he said.”Would I have dreamt that was possible 25 years ago when I started out? No.”

Broadbery says he has known he was gay since he was a teen. But in a traditionally conservative and sometimes macho industry, it took a decades-long journey for him to be unabashedly himself both at home and at work. 

Broadbery, 49, is now Goldman’s co-chief compliance officer, heading global banking and public markets. He also leads the firm’s LGBTQ+ Network in the Americas.

In an interview, he told Insider about coming out on Wall Street, from overcorrecting his behavior to seem more masculine and avoiding conversations about his personal life to eventually helping others who were closeted and leading a group of more than 4,000 employees. Broadbery also shared his advice to young LGBTQ+ people in finance, or any field where the group has been especially underrepresented.

Hailing from an Irish-Catholic family, coming out as a teen in the 90s was “very difficult”

Broadbery says he has always felt like an outsider — even long before stepping onto his first trading floor. 

He grew up in a large, conservative, and Catholic family in Dublin, Ireland. Discovering his identity in the early 90s, as the HIV/AIDS epidemic incited a new wave of homophobia, and while attending an all-boys boarding school, was isolating and scary, Broadbery said. He fell in love for the first time at about 15. 

“I thought it was just a phase,” he said. 

But by the time he went to college, he knew it wasn’t.

“It was a very difficult period in my life and remnants of those feelings of not belonging remain with me,” he told Insider. “I don’t think this is uncommon for LGBTQ+ people around the world to this day.”

He came out to a few family members when he was about 19, but with others, it was much later. 

“My siblings were a great support in the early years, and my mother eventually forced an honest conversation with me where she insisted I say the words ‘I am gay’ so that we could move on and preserve our very close relationship,” Broadbery said. “The first time we ever fully spoke about it was when I was about 30. Before that, it was an unspoken known.”

He began his career in the finance division at Intel in Dublin. But it wasn’t until he moved to London in 1998 for a compliance role at a small private bank, Guinness Mahon, that Broadbery felt he finally had the space (both physically and emotionally) between his teen life and young adult life to come to terms with his identity, he said.

“That was a really good thing that happened to me to get some freedom, to build new relationships, to be myself, and to to build my personality anew, effectively,” said Broadbery. “I think the story of a lot of young gay people is that they tend to leave the area in which they grew up and they try to start anew. There are downsides to that, but there’s freedom that comes with that.”

Being gay on a Wall Street trading floor was “daunting”

Wall Street is stereotypically thought of as an industry filled with men who flaunt their masculinity — with a domineering energy that overtakes meeting rooms, watches that flex their income, and a gaggle of women on their yacht deck in the Hamptons. It’s a trope that has been portrayed and perpetuated in movies about the industry, from “The Wolf of Wall Street” to “Margin Call” and “The Big Short” — and has not included gay men.

Broadbery was moving along in his career — he joined Barclays in 1996, and then Lehman Brothers in 2000. But that feeling of not belonging still ate away at him. He led two separate lives: Who he was at work, and who he was outside the office.

“In my early years in finance, I wasn’t in the closet, but I was private. Private and careful,” he said. “I tended to keep my personal and private life to myself. And kept my personal self and my work self as two separate beings.”

Broadbery remembers worrying that the trading floor, a “loud, masculine environment,” was perhaps not the right fit for a gay man.

“It’s a daunting environment to be on the trading floor as a compliance officer. It’s really daunting to be on the trading floor as a gay compliance officer,” he said. 

As a junior employee, he was constantly analyzing and self-regulating his behavior at the office, then trying to correct it when he thought he might be acting too feminine.

“I think back when I was a junior person, I would check my behavior to see if I was being too gay or too effeminate. I would overcompensate my conforming to ensure that I didn’t stand out. And in doing that, I changed who I was.”

One conversation with an inspiring manager changed his perspective

The “pivotal point” for Broadbery came about 2000, while he was working at Lehman in London. One day, his manager took him out for lunch and told him that he wasn’t alone. 

“He told me he was gay,” said Broadbery. “He said ‘There’s lots of us on Wall Street, and there’s lots of us who are very successful, and it’s not something you need to worry about.'”

What many people don’t think about, Broadbery told Insider, is that coming out is not a one-time event for an LGBTQ+ person. In fact, especially at work, you never really stop coming out. 

“Every time you meet somebody new or hire somebody, every time you have a discussion with somebody about your weekend or about your vacation. You’re constantly coming out,” he said. “I think 25 years ago, those conversations were more anxiety provoking than they are today. And so you tend to steer your conversation away from anything that might be too revealing about your personal life..”

So that conversation with his manager early on, Broadbery said, was the beginning of when he began to feel more comfortable being himself.

“Having somebody senior in the industry, somebody senior in the firm, take the time to connect with me and to tell me it was OK to be gay on Wall Street at that early stage of my career was hugely impactful.” 

Leading an LGBTQ+ network in Asia taught Broadbery the value of community.

Broadbery started working in compliance at Goldman Sachs in 2003. Though he was “out” at work by then, he wasn’t involved in the firm’s LGBTQ+ Network at all, and still “maintained that posture of keeping [his] private life not secret, but personal.” 

That changed, he said, when he moved to the firm’s Hong Kong office in 2006. Upon arriving, said Broadbery, he was asked to lead the organization for the firm’s Asia division.

“I thought, I’m not even a member, I don’t need to be in a network. My personal life is my personal life,” said Broadbery. 

But he obliged, and that began an almost six-year stint as head of the LGBTQ+ Network in Asia. 

“What I learned through that process was that it wasn’t about what I needed, but it was about how I could help others,” he said.

His work within the organization mostly involved working with and talking to closeted employees one on one, and establishing the group as a safe place in a culture that was generally not accepting of the community.

“You’re dealing with smaller populations and you’re dealing with people who are afraid to come out,” he said. “You’re doing a lot of individual work with people as they go through that journey.”

For example, Broadbery added, Singapore didn’t allow gay pride celebrations or marches at that time. So in an initiative called Pink Fridays, employees wore pink shirts one Friday during Pride Month to show solidarity with the community. 

“We were the safe place, and that was incredibly rewarding,” he said.

The Asia LGBTQ+ Network went from six people to more than 200 while he was there. And by the time he left the Hong Kong office in 2017, the co-heads of the markets divisions who he sat on the trading floor with both had pride flags in their offices. 

Being involved has been the “hallmark” of his time at Goldman, Broadbery said.

“My whole experience as a professional — really, it’s not trite to say — was transformed by virtue of the fact that I chose to listen to others. It was important for me to share the strength I have with others and through that career community.”

The Wall Street experience for LGBTQ+ people has changed a lot over the years, but there is still work to be done. 

The world has changed for the better since Broadbery began his career, even in what is still a quite conservative industry. 

He’s seen support for traditionally underrepresented groups, like the LGBTQ+ community, become institutionalized at most Wall Street firms — a welcome improvement. For example, he said, it’s now an expectation that firms like Goldman set internal initiatives to hire, retain, and advance diverse employees.

“The operating environment is now set up so that different people, or people who are showing up differently, have a framework in which to engage with firms like Goldman and develop their career,” Broadbery said. “Back in the day when I was coming through, the industry was relying on bright lights — individuals who were the exception rather than the rule — that would help people like me with our careers.”

There’s also much less stigma now around being “too gay” for Wall Street, he added. When he was coming up the ranks, he said, femininity in gay men was not very much on display. 

“There was a time when I was in my earlier career where it was OK to be gay as long as you weren’t too gay. So it’s like, how gay is too gay for Wall Street?”

But now, Broadbery said, people are more comfortable being truly themselves.

“It’s not just if you pass as straight, you’re OK. Now I think you can really, truly be your full self as a gay person,” he said. “The environment is supportive of that, and that is a big change, a huge change, and it’s a wonderful change that I see.”

To that effect, diversity overall within the LGBTQ+ community has also broadened on Wall Street. 

“We were gay or lesbian back in the day. I think now we truly are LGBTQ+,” he said. “What we’re doing in terms of rights for our transgender employees in terms of healthcare, the types of individuals we’re hiring, the training that we do for our employees, has really shifted away from just gay and lesbian to a much broader spectrum of the community and the community’s needs. And that is something I never thought I would see.”

What has not changed, though, according to Broadbery, is the need for continuing support for this community. Especially in an industry like finance, where many people come from more conservative backgrounds, he said.

“For people to feel like they belong here and that they’re welcome here, and that their differences and diverseness is welcome here — there’s still a real need to convince people of that,” he said. “There are still a lot of environments in which young LGBTQ+ people are growing up which tell them that who they are and what they are is wrong.”

His advice for LGBTQ+ financiers today: You do belong.

In 2017, Broadbery moved to Goldman’s New York office. Today, he leads the LGBTQ+ Network for the Americas, which has about 4,300 members, and he has a pride flag in his office large enough to decorate a small building.  

His advice for young financiers today who identify as LGBTQ+ is that to grow in your career, you have to be honest about who you are, and that means bringing your whole self to work.

“Tell yourself that you belong anywhere you want to be,” he said. “You need to make personal connections with your colleagues and with your mentors. And in order to do that, you need to be your true self. Connection can’t be achieved if you’re hiding a part of who you are.”

Don’t “check yourself” as he did in his early years — overcorrecting his behavior to seem more masculine. 

“I think Wall Street is Wall Street and in the finance industry there are certain norms and certain things you need to do to conform — the working environment, the working hours, the hierarchy, the path to promotion — those things are what they are,” he said. “What I don’t think people should do, we have a term which is ‘check yourself.'”

“Through being out and through being publicly out at work, you end up being a magnet for all sorts of individuals who feel they’re different and feel they don’t belong. My life at the firm became exponentially more interesting. And relationships that I built were exponentially stronger.”

And if your workplace isn’t welcoming to who you are, you might want to reconsider the role.

“I feel comfortable that I can be who I am no matter where I am at Goldman. And if you can’t be, if you’re not comfortable with that where you are, maybe you should think about being somewhere else.”

Read the full article here

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