What To Know About The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

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A new U.S. law took effect Tuesday requiring fair accommodations for pregnant Americans, bridging the gap left between the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which only offered some protections.

Key Facts

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations pertaining to childbirth, pregnancy or other related health conditions, unless the accommodation causes the employer “undue hardships.”

Examples of “reasonable accommodations” outlined in the House Committee on Education and Labor Report on the PWFA, including closer parking, additional break time for restroom breaks, time for eating and resting, the ability to sit and drink water and the right to be excused from participating in strenuous tasks.

In order to file a charge (a signed statement claiming an organization committed employment discrimination) under PWFA, the incident must have occurred on or after the act went into place, according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

All employees of “covered employers” are protected under the act—covered employers are organizations with at least 15 workers in either the public or private sector, Congress, employment agencies, federal agencies and labor organizations.

According to a report by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, because there wasn’t a law requiring accommodations for pregnant workers before the PWFA, medical professionals were instrumental in writing notes that allowed pregnant employees to obtain reasonable accommodations.

Big Number

2.8 million. That’s about how many pregnant women each year—70% of all pregnant women—worked during the year of their pregnancy, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families. According to data from the EEOC, 72% of all working women will become pregnant while working at some point in their lives, and 80% of all first-time pregnant employees worked until their final month of pregnancy.

Key Background

The act was signed into law as a part of a federal government spending package in December 2022. It “closes a pernicious gap” between the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), according to a report by justice organization A Better Balance. The ADA was put into place in 1990 and prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplaces and other areas. Pregnancy itself isn’t covered under the ADA, but some impairments related to pregnancy may be considered a disability under the law, according to the EEOC. The PDA—also called Title VII—was enacted in 1978, and prohibits pregnancy discrimination based on potential, current or past pregnancy, medical conditions related to pregnancy, including breastfeeding, birth control and having or choosing not to have an abortion. However, neither of these acts require fair accommodations for all covered pregnant employees, which is where the PWFA comes in. Under the PWFA, employers cannot force workers to take a leave of absence if an accommodation would help them remain productive at work. The act won’t take precedence over federal, state or local laws that offer more protections, as over 30 states and cities already have laws in place that provide accommodations to pregnant employees.


The PWFA was one of two laws in the December 2022 spending bill that impacted new and expectant mothers in the workplace. The second protection was the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act. This law requires employers to give reasonable break time in a private area other than the bathroom to employees who pump breast milk for their nursing kids up to one year after birth. The PUMP Act expands protections to almost 9 million additional workers who weren’t included under the Break Time for Nursing Mothers Act. This includes nurses, teachers, software engineers, retail workers and others, according to the Center for American Progress.

Surprising Fact

About a quarter of all mothers have thought about leaving their jobs due to a lack of reasonable accommodations or fear of discrimination during pregnancy, according to a report from the Bipartisan Policy Center.

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