The Hidden Reign Of The ‘Because I Said So’ Leadership Style

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Michael Davis is the CEO of Merek Security Solutions, a cybersecurity and cyberpsychology-based tech firm based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

In the realm of leadership styles, a rather intriguing and enigmatic approach is known as the “Because I Said So” leadership style. This style, often hidden in plain sight, relies heavily on hierarchical power dynamics and a directive approach to decision making. While it may not be explicitly acknowledged or promoted, this leadership style has silently permeated workplaces, affecting employees’ experiences and organizational outcomes.

According to a recent Gallup study, only 20% of employees worldwide feel engaged at work, indicating a widespread disengagement issue in many organizations. What does this statistic mean for the other 80% of your employees?

Let’s face it; disengaged employees are less likely to go above and beyond in their roles, contribute new ideas or take initiative, which can hinder growth and competitiveness. Let’s delve into this leadership style’s characteristics, implications and potential consequences, shedding light on its presence and urging for a shift toward more inclusive and empowering leadership practices.

The Shackles Of Command-And-Control Leadership

Typically, the “Because I Said So” leadership style is characterized by a leader relying primarily on their positional authority and hierarchy to make decisions and enforce compliance. This leader tends to make unilateral choices without involving others in decision making. They often provide directives without transparently explaining their rationale, leaving employees to follow instructions unquestioningly.

This style undermines open communication, stifles creativity and discourages independent thinking within the workplace. It stands as a symbol of outdated autocracy and buried potential in leadership tactics and business strategies. This approach revolves around an individual who wields their positional authority as a weapon, relying on the hierarchy to dictate decisions and enforce compliance.

Operating within a bubble of unchecked power, this leader makes unilateral choices, excluding others from the decision making process. Employees become mere recipients of directives, forced to follow instructions without a transparent explanation of the underlying rationale.

The consequences of this leadership style are far-reaching and detrimental. Open communication, a vital pillar of any thriving organization, becomes a casualty of this approach. The lack of transparency and explanation behind decisions erodes trust, leaving employees feeling undervalued and disengaged. The workplace becomes a breeding ground for frustration and resentment, stifling collaboration and damaging morale.

The Impact On Employees And Organizational Dynamics

1. Reduced Engagement And Motivation: Employees working under this leadership style may experience diminished engagement and motivation. When decisions are imposed without explanation or consideration for employee input, individuals may feel undervalued and disempowered, leading to decreased enthusiasm and commitment to their work.

2. Limited Innovation And Creativity: The absence of open dialogue and the suppression of independent thinking inhibit the emergence of new ideas and innovative solutions. When employees are discouraged from questioning or challenging the status quo, the organization misses out on the potential for growth and improvement.

3. Strained Relationships And Communication: The top-down nature of this leadership style can strain relationships between leaders and employees. The lack of transparency and open dialogue may lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings and a breakdown of trust within the workplace.

4. High Turnover And Low Retention: The oppressive nature of this leadership style can contribute to high turnover rates and low employee retention. Individuals may seek more inclusive and collaborative work environments where their voices are heard and contributions are valued.

Embracing Inclusive And Empowering Leadership

Organizations should strive for more inclusive and empowering leadership practices to counteract the detrimental effects of this leadership style. Here are some strategies to consider.

1. Fostering Open Communication: Encourage leaders to engage in transparent and open communication with their teams. Explain the reasoning behind decisions, seek employee input and value diverse perspectives.

2. Encouraging Collaboration And Participation: Create opportunities for collaboration and involvement in decision-making processes. Empower employees to contribute their ideas and take ownership of their work.

3. Developing Emotional Intelligence: Leaders should focus on developing their emotional intelligence to better understand and empathize with their team members. This will foster stronger relationships, trust and a sense of belonging within the organization.

4. Investing In Leadership Development: Provide leadership development programs and training to cultivate a new generation of leaders who embrace inclusive and empowering practices. Equip leaders with the necessary skills to lead with empathy, fairness and effective communication.

5. Recognizing And Rewarding Contributions: Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and contributions of employees. Celebrate achievements and create a positive work culture that values and recognizes individual and team accomplishments.


The “Because I Said So” leadership style may silently operate within our workplaces, hindering employee engagement, stifling innovation and eroding trust. Recognizing its presence is the first step toward fostering a more inclusive and empowering work environment.

Organizations can cultivate a culture of respect, transparency and shared decision making by embracing open communication, encouraging collaboration and investing in leadership development. Through these efforts, we can dismantle the “Because I Said So” leadership style and create workplaces that inspire and empower individuals to reach their full potential.

Through investment in leadership development, we equip our future leaders with the tools and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace with empathy, fairness and effective communication. By recognizing and rewarding the valuable contributions of our employees, we create a culture that celebrates achievements and values each individual.

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