Gen Z And Millennials More Likely To Fall For Fake News Than Older People, Test Finds

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Younger people and heavy internet users were more likely to fall for fake headlines, while older people and legacy media consumers succeeded in identifying real headlines, a two-minute quiz partially developed by ChatGPT found—a break from the idea that older people are more likely to fall victim to fake news.

Key Facts

The test, developed by University of Cambridge psychologists over two years, was used by polling organization YouGov in a study of 1,516 Americans to measure how susceptible people are to believing fake headlines.

Researchers pulled 10 real headlines from outlets ranked as relatively unbiased by an online database, like Reuters and Pew Research Center, and used ChatGPT to write 10 fake versions, which researchers hoped would reduce bias.

Overall, Americans could identify a headline as either real or fake 65% of the time.

Participants aged 18-29 achieved a high score (16 or more headlines identified correctly) only 11% of the time, and received a low score (10 or fewer headlines identified correctly) 36% of the time, while those aged 65 and older fared much better, receiving a high score 36% of the time and a low score 9% of the time.

People who spend 9 hours or more of recreational time online each day earned a high score just 15% of the time, while those with 0-2 hours per day of recreational internet use earned a high score 30% of the time.

Those who consumed social media as their primary source of news fared worse than those who used legacy sources: 53% of those getting news from Snapchat got low scores, while former President Donald Trump’s social media platform Truth Social was second worst with 45%, followed by WhatsApp with 44%, TikTok with 41% and Instagram with 38%.

Democrats also fared better than Republicans: 33% of Democrats earned high scores, compared to 14% of Republicans, but both had about a quarter of respondents earn low scores.

The headline most Americans of both parties could most frequently identify as real is the Pew Research Center headline: “Republicans Divided in Views of Trump’s Conduct, Democrats Are Broadly Critical.”

Crucial Quote

“When we needed a set of convincing but false headlines, we turned to GPT technology. The AI generated thousands of fake headlines in a matter of seconds. As researchers dedicated to fighting misinformation, it was eye-opening and alarming,” Rakoen Maertens, a University of Cambridge psychologist and MIST lead author said.

Surprising Fact

People can take the MIST test online. Researchers have published a version of the test which features 20 true or false questions that ask whether a certain headline is real or fake. Upon completion, a participant will receive their results and a “resilience” score that compares their ranking to the American population.

Key Background

Researchers noted their findings clash with “prevailing public attitudes” that “older, less digitally-savvy ‘boomers’ are more likely to be taken in by fake news.” Some previous studies have linked increased age with sharing misinformation online. A 2019 study found American Facebook users aged 65 and older shared nearly seven times as many articles from fake news websites than those aged 18-29. The study also indicated a partisan gap, with 18% of Republican users sharing at least one link to a fake news article compared with 4% of Democrats. The 2019 researchers wrote: “It is possible that an entire cohort of Americans, now in their 60s and beyond, lacks the level of digital media literacy necessary to reliably determine the trustworthiness of news encountered online.” Another 2019 study which examined fake news on Twitter during the 2016 election also found older Americans more likely to engage with misinformation.


Another study published Wednesday found that controversial and negative Facebook posts, which may include hate speech, are more likely to go viral quickly, compared to posts that are positive and garner positive reactions. Researchers led by Gabriele Etta of Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy, analyzed nearly 60 million posts from 2018 to 2022, which covered a wide range of topics including scandals, tragedies and political issues.

Getting Wise to Fake News (New York Times)

Older people more likely to share fake news on Facebook, study finds (The Guardian)

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