20 Ways To Navigate Misunderstandings In Multinational Workplaces

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Multinational workplaces are becoming increasingly common in modern business. While diversity can be a strength, it can also give rise to cultural misunderstandings that hinder collaboration and productivity.

Below, Forbes Human Resources Council members offer essential strategies for overcoming cultural barriers and fostering a harmonious work environment in multinational settings. Here are some proactive steps they recommend to help leaders bridge divides and ensure that cultural differences enhance, rather than impede, the success of their teams.

1. Create A Safe Environment

Create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing cultural differences and misunderstandings. Encourage open and respectful communication to help team members express their perspectives and concerns. – Domonique Revere, Ph.D., Adjaye Associates

2. Minimize Bias Throughout The Organization

Misunderstandings and biases are inevitably brought to work that run contrary to an organization seeking to create a diverse, inclusive and welcoming workplace. Challenge folks to explore these and consider how they are influencing attitudes and actions. Recognize individual bias. Then, mitigate unconscious and systemic bias demonstrated in talent management and other decision-making. – Antoine Andrews, SurveyMonkey

3. Implement Cultural Awareness Training

Promote cultural awareness training for all employees. This educates individuals about diverse backgrounds, breaks stereotypes and builds empathy. Encourage open communication, where team members feel safe discussing and clarifying doubts about cultural nuances. Fostering an environment of respect and curiosity towards different cultures will reduce misunderstandings and strengthen team cohesion. – Bala Sathyanarayanan, Greif Inc.

4. Establish Clear Company Values

Multinational workplaces have diversities of ideas; the cumulation of these ideas is what yields one single organizational value proposition that is held sacrosanct by all. Having clear organizational values and cornerstones and communicating these can shape any organization into a seamless unit. Openness, trust and accountabilities are built and leaders walk the talk. – Awuese Oku, African Development Bank

5. Embrace Diversity, Inclusion And Belonging

I work in a country that is known for its rich tapestry of cultures, languages and customs, and fostering a company culture of respect is key. I would also say that truly embracing diversity, inclusion and belonging through your engagement activities can reinforce the behaviors you hope to see within your organization. – Natalie Gleeson, LIWA Trading Enterprises LLC

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6. Take Advantage Of Active Listening, Speak-Up Culture And Training

The multinational workplace should be seen as a strength for business growth regardless of the company’s size. Staff diversity boosts talent management processes and shapes the company’s culture due to different views, mindsets, working styles and personal attributes. Therefore, the winning strategy is utilizing traditional HR tools, such as active listening, speak-up culture and on-the-job training. – Dr. Nara Ringrose, Cyclife Aquila Nuclear

7. Be Intentional And Take Accountability

Intentionality matters. I worked with a near-retirement leader who hired their first Asian report. The leader started referring to everything as “oriental.” We discussed it with the leader who apologized to the employee. I learned cultural guidebooks are great to have. Many resource groups at this company had them. Also, nothing bridges misunderstanding better than a leader who takes accountability. – Kaitlyn Knopp, Pequity

8. Hold Educational Workshops And Cultural Exchange Programs

Promoting cultural awareness and education is key. The best way to overcome challenges is to organize workshops and cultural exchange programs where employees can learn about other cultures, traditions, communication styles and work ethics of their colleagues and customer base. Encouraging respectful open discussions can also help employees appreciate diversity within the workplace. – JacLyn Pagnotta, Rose Associates Inc.

9. Seek Out Commonalities

Find the common thread. People can come from completely different parts of the world and be connected in like values. It’s in our similarities that we can build amazing business relationships. The more we can meet people, ask questions and share differences the more we can make connections to how similar we are in what drives us. – Jessica Wallen, AGC Biologics

10. Establish Mentor-Mentee Relationships

Mentor-mentee relationships are a great way to not just learn new skills but also develop relationships with co-workers. With a deeper relationship, employees feel more comfortable asking clarifying questions about cultural beliefs and practices. This helps prevent misunderstandings and gives employees a broader outlook that is more accepting of differences in culture. – Matthew Reeves, Together Software

11. Embrace Diverse Perspectives

Embracing diverse perspectives is critical in a multinational workspace. Encourage open dialogue, where team members can share their cultural nuances and learn from each other. This promotes a shared understanding, reducing misinterpretations and fostering a collaborative, inclusive environment. Over time, mutual respect and understanding can bridge cultural gaps and propel organizations forward. – Joseph Soares, IBPROM Corp.

12. Nurture Inclusion And Belonging

Great leaders embrace diversity, create opportunities for open dialogue, ensure cultural sensitivity and celebrate unique perspectives. Great leaders know that a company that continuously nurtures inclusion and belonging is a company that attracts and retains exceptional talent. – MJ Vigil, DispatchHealth

13. Offer Regular Cultural Sensitivity Workshops

In multinational workplaces, implementing regular cultural sensitivity workshops is crucial. These sessions equip employees with knowledge about diverse cultural norms and expectations. By fostering open dialogue and understanding, such workshops effectively reduce cultural misunderstandings, promoting a cohesive and harmonious work environment. – Hassan Choughari, Jaroudi Group

14. Hold Open Forums

To thrive in our interconnected world, firms must view cultural diversity as an asset, not a hurdle. Open forums and safe spaces foster trust, authentic conversations and ongoing learning. These environments promote innovation through diverse viewpoints. As leaders of tomorrow, we prioritize understanding and leveraging these differences, ensuring our clients stand out in a globalized market. – William Stonehouse, Crawford Thomas Recruiting

15. Prioritize Inclusivity At The Start

The key to overcoming cultural misunderstandings in any workplace is prioritizing inclusivity. The more included employees feel the fewer misunderstandings will occur. This should start during onboarding, which should include DEI training and communication intolerance for exclusive behavior. Also, managers should make an effort to schedule team-building activities that allow team members to bond. – John Feldmann, Insperity

16. Embrace Differences As A Way To Excel

Take inventory of all cultures that make up your company. Then take intentional measures of assuming the best intent, providing cultural training across the organization. If your organization has ERGs, they can be a great source of information and education. Create spaces and opportunities for employees to be curious and to learn from one another so their differences become their superpowers. – Oksana Lukash, Avid Bioservices

17. Understand The Values And Beliefs Of Other Cultures

In my humble opinion, one has to spend time understanding the beliefs and values of the culture that one wants to understand. The understanding of values and beliefs pretty much summarizes and defines the personality of the individuals, community, and region, which can help not only in creating a solid platform to understand the culture but also in influencing them from a leadership perspective. – Prakash Raichur, Taghleef Industries

18. Include Employee Origins In Communications And Training

As an organization, track and understand the origins of all employees and weave this into communications and training. Foster opportunities for team members to share about their origins and culture. With a multinational workplace, there will be diversity and focus will be needed to ensure there is inclusion and belonging for all. – Lindsey Garito, Westchester Country Club

19. Hire People Who Are Accepting Of Others

Focus on hiring people who are accepting of diversity and make it one of your core values, so its importance can be reiterated repeatedly. Training is essential to success as well as the creation of employee resource groups so different cultures can be recognized and celebrated. – Erin ImHof, CertiK

20. Educate Employees About Differing Customs, Communication Styles And Company Expectations

Education is key. A multinational workforce brings different customs, communication styles and expectations. Learning about the behaviors and expectations of each group will help break down barriers and misunderstandings. The strategy should be employed to strike a balance between expectations for time away from work so one group doesn’t feel overworked while another feels unsupported. – Lisa Shuster, iHire

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