Five Tips To Focus Better And Avoid Distractions At Work

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Erik Pham, the Founder of Health Canal, a health and wellness website that empowers people to lead healthier lives.

When you consider that distractions can happen multiple times in a day, the amount of time wasted on distractions at work could run into hours. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to learn how to focus and increase productivity in the long run.

Why can’t I focus?

Before we get to some tips to improve concentration and focus, it is important to discuss why employees typically lose focus at work.

First, some people lose focus when they are experiencing mental illness, for example, anxiety and depression, in the workplace. When mental health disorders go untreated, those affected may find it increasingly difficult to focus and concentrate. Stress can make the situation worse and exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as impairing concentration.

Second, the technology that we rely heavily on to do our work can also be a source of distraction. Whether it’s an email coming in, a social media notification or even a call on your phone, these are all enough to shift your focus from work to other non-related things.

Something as simple as office noise can also be the greatest annoyance in workplace environments and affect your productivity. Other factors that may affect your ability to maintain focus include lack of enough sleep, working without a to-do list, workplace stress, doing multiple tasks at the same time and more.

How can I improve focus at work?

Everyone gets distracted at some point during work, and we know that loss of focus can have negative effects on productivity. In fact, one study found people did not immediately resume their tasks after being interrupted 40% of the time.

If you want to learn how to stay focused at work, I suggest following the five simple steps below. These are all practical steps that can help you maintain focus and mental energy.

1. Mute your device(s).

Online distractions, including things like text messages, are often among the leading causes of lost productivity. For this reason, it is advisable to eliminate them completely when you are working. You can do this by muting your phone and only looking at it occasionally after you have completed a single task.

2. Take much-needed breaks.

Mental resources are finite, and at some point, your brain grows tired of doing the same thing over and over again. This is why I suggest taking breaks in between tasks to recharge. Eventually, this can help improve focus and concentration since it lets you unplug from your daily mental stress in day-to-day workplace tasks.

Besides, there is evidence that suggests taking breaks positively improves your mood. Of course, how you take a break will depend on the type of your work and the situation, but I recommend that you don’t do anything related to your work while you break. For instance, if your job requires much mental effort, spending some time in nature may be the ideal break.

3. Prioritize tasks.

In many cases, the main reason you are not paying attention as effectively as you should is because you are trying to do too much at the same time. Cognitive tasks that require added concentration don’t need to be rushed. In fact, you can prioritize tasks based on urgency and deal with the most important of them early in the morning while you are still fresh.

4. Take care of yourself.

Eating a healthy diet can help remove cravings and give you the mental fortitude you need to focus on one task after the other. And sleep deprivation can not only affect your productive capacity, but it may also mess up the quality of your work in the long run. People who don’t get enough sleep may be more likely to experience burnout at work, something that ultimately leads to a loss of focus and productivity. Also, lack of enough sleep can make you irritable and emotionally unstable. All these things can negatively affect your focus.

5. Create a reward system.

Finally, you can also improve focus at work by creating a reward system for positive reinforcement. For example, you can reward yourself with 1 hour of social media every time you complete three hours of work without distraction.

Many employees will experience periods where they lose focus and concentration. However, the key is to make sure the problem does not become chronic. The sooner you deal with it, the better. With these five tips for staying focused, it should be possible for anyone to cultivate small habits that ultimately lead to better focus and productivity.

The information provided here is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should consult with a qualified healthcare provider for advice concerning your specific situation.

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