‘Total Eclipse Of The Heart’ Hits No. 1…During The Actual Eclipse

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America is enthralled right now as tens of millions crane their heads toward the sky to see a complete eclipse of the sun. Many additional millions are catching a nearly complete eclipse, and still others are simply trying to be a part of the fun by tracking online and watching via social media posts. As the U.S. succumbs to eclipse fever, one hit song that reminds everyone of this momentous occasion has become a smash all over again.

“Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler shoots to No. 1 on iTunes as the eclipse takes place. The single rises to the highest spot on the U.S. iTunes chart in real-time, reaching the summit as millions are taking in the lunar event.

Tyler’s hit single has been rising on iTunes all day, but it wasn’t until the eclipse was taking place directly over the United States that the song rose to No. 1. In climbing to the peak position on the ranking, the smash replaces Benson Boone’s “Beautiful Things” atop the iTunes roster–at least for a short while.

Depending on how well it sells, Tyler may be headed back to the Billboard charts next week. All purchases of “Total Eclipse of the Heart” made yesterday, today, and in the coming few days will be counted toward the rankings that will be unveiled next Tuesday (April 16). It’s likely that sales of the tune will drop off precipitously in the coming hours or days after the eclipse is over.

Tyler stands the best shot at returning to the Digital Song Sales chart. “Total Eclipse of the Heart” only needs to sell a few thousand copies in order to place on that purchase-only list, which seems plausible, thanks to the special occasion. It has previously topped out at No. 13 back in 2017, and it’s still her only track to reach the ranking.

“Total Eclipse of the Heart” ranks as the biggest hit of Tyler’s career. The song reached No. 1 on the Hot 100 in 1983, and it racked up four stays atop the tally. It’s one of her two top 10s on that chart.

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